Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Word on Adverbs

Many English and creative writing teachers/professors hold a grudge against adverbs. They commonly (adverb) consider it lazy.
I get that. Why write, “He angrily shook the table,” when you could write, “He shook the table so hard that drinks toppled from it”?
The more you avoid adverbs, the more descriptive you must write to communicate your message. I find, under almost all circumstances, that any “rule” that forces you to juggle your words benefits you as a writer.
“She said shyly” or “She whispered while she faced the floor, a slight blush at her cheeks.”
However, adverbs don’t strike me as “bad.” They serve as tools, like any other part of speech. They possess their uses, especially in concise writing.
Words that describe a verb (action word) count as adverbs. Words such as bitterly, slyly, shortly, and ape-with-an-itchy-buttly (don’t tell me I can’t invent words; every word represents an invention) all work as adverbs—and adverbs sometimes work.
I could rewrite the sentence “She said seductively” as “She said with her eyes half-closed in a heavy, breathy voice, her right hip cocked.” Which works best for your scene?
The second scene creates a better picture, but perhaps you need to speed things a bit via a tighter word count.
Perhaps you already painted a picture of how this particular character behaves when she wishes to seduce someone, and you see no reason to repeat yourself.
An adverb occasionally (adverb) proves the right tool for the job.
Consider, when you edit, an alternative to any adverbs you find, but keep in mind that sometimes your scene require an adverb.
Feel free to use them (unless you professor hates them, in which case give her what she wants for the duration of her class).

Thanks for reading.
You probably noticed that I went about a week without a blog entry. I apologize for that. The creation of the prototype for my card game, Duelists of Darkwana (based on my novel series, Diaries of Darkwana), managed to eat up a lot of my time.
I also need to explain, on that note, where the heck the third novel for that series went. It sits done and ready to publish on Kindle.
At the moment, my wonderful cover artist deals with a few distractions. I promise that as soon as I get the completed cover art from her (if not sooner), I shall publish the third novel in my series.
OH! Also, Daughters of Darkwana received a sweet, succinct review, which you can read here,

I publish my blogs as follows:
Sundays: Movie reviews at
Mondays: Short stories at
Tuesdays: A look at the politics of the entertainment world at
Wednesdays: An inside look at my novels (such as Daughters of Darkwana, which you can now find on Kindle) at

Thursdays: Tips to improve your fiction at

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